Symptoms: If discovered early (within a day), the dog will likely show no symptoms. After a day, the dog will become lethargic, have white gums (anemic) and have noticeable bloating in the belly.
Key to success:
1. Know when the dog ate the poison. The sooner you realize this, the better the outcome. Most rat poisons take 2-3 days to eliminate the dogs production of Vitamin K1 which the leads to internal bleeding and anemia.
2. Find the type of poison and call the emergency pet poison line.
3. If possible, get the dog to a vet immediately where they will induce vomiting and do a blood test. If no vet, the poison experts will likely tell you use hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting.
Summary: If early discovery of rat poison ingestion, good outcome. If more than a day later, very serious.